Friday, September 21, 2012

        In this project we had to make a chart of some sort but it could not be super boring like most charts and graphs. I made a bar graph over the richest people in the USA. The pictures beside them are the bars that symbolize amount of money they have. I think that it looks good.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Infographic Timeline

                  On this project we went through a bunch of dates that have to do with infographics and wrote them down with what they had to do with infographics. Then, we put them on the computer. Mine had 16 layers. I used a bunch of pictures, lines, colors, and fonts to make it look good.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Final project for iconography

               When we went over iconography, I first looked up icons on the internet and then sketched them on paper. After that I made some of them on the computer. Then I made four that were all original or edited. After that we made those digital. Finally, I put those pictures on an iphone screen. Mine are the last four icons on the screen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

     In this project, I made a wall for an ice cream shop that has the flavors listed on the side. First, I found a picture of a brick wall on the internet. Then I put that picture on Illistrator. After that, I put flavors on the wall. I think that it looks pretty good.

              In this project, we edited a boring part of the school that needed some environmental design. We walked around the school and took a picture of the boring part. Then we photoshopped it and posted it on here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Environmental Design

                 When we started this we first looked at examples of environmental design on the internet. Then we walked around the school and took pictures of environmental design. We then uploaded those pictures to our computers and made a collage of them. The picture above is my collage of environmental design around the school.