Wednesday, October 10, 2012

                    This article, "First Things First," makes me think of how importaint a graphic desiner is. With appealing adds, or labels that catch your eye, you can sell more than your competition. That is importaint when you have the same product with the same price next to each other. Of course, you would pick the product with the more appealing cover and label. It makes you thaink that the better looking one is better, when they are really, just the same.

                     In this quarter of graphic design class, I have really learned a lot more about computers. I have learned to create logos, and about the identity standards of them. I have also made a pretty cool magazine cover. If someone told me to do that before I took this class, I would not have been able to do it. We also did icons. I learned how to do many things on Adobe Illistrator. That was my favorite to use. In graphic design I learned a ton about using computers to make appealing things.

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