Wednesday, October 10, 2012

                  FINAL PROJECT:  In this final project we had to manipulate a picture an make it look like it could be real, but it is accually fake. First, I took a picture of my hand. And then I put a smaller hand on every finger-tip. I also make it black and white. I think that it looks like it could be real. But of course it is not.

                    This article, "First Things First," makes me think of how importaint a graphic desiner is. With appealing adds, or labels that catch your eye, you can sell more than your competition. That is importaint when you have the same product with the same price next to each other. Of course, you would pick the product with the more appealing cover and label. It makes you thaink that the better looking one is better, when they are really, just the same.

                     In this quarter of graphic design class, I have really learned a lot more about computers. I have learned to create logos, and about the identity standards of them. I have also made a pretty cool magazine cover. If someone told me to do that before I took this class, I would not have been able to do it. We also did icons. I learned how to do many things on Adobe Illistrator. That was my favorite to use. In graphic design I learned a ton about using computers to make appealing things.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Movie poster                       

First I used an old paper background. Then I found an old western font for my words. After that, I thought of some western actors and some other cool actors. Lastly, I drew some pictures of guns, knives, bows, and arrows.
3 icons replicated

Friday, September 21, 2012

        In this project we had to make a chart of some sort but it could not be super boring like most charts and graphs. I made a bar graph over the richest people in the USA. The pictures beside them are the bars that symbolize amount of money they have. I think that it looks good.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Infographic Timeline

                  On this project we went through a bunch of dates that have to do with infographics and wrote them down with what they had to do with infographics. Then, we put them on the computer. Mine had 16 layers. I used a bunch of pictures, lines, colors, and fonts to make it look good.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Final project for iconography

               When we went over iconography, I first looked up icons on the internet and then sketched them on paper. After that I made some of them on the computer. Then I made four that were all original or edited. After that we made those digital. Finally, I put those pictures on an iphone screen. Mine are the last four icons on the screen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

     In this project, I made a wall for an ice cream shop that has the flavors listed on the side. First, I found a picture of a brick wall on the internet. Then I put that picture on Illistrator. After that, I put flavors on the wall. I think that it looks pretty good.

              In this project, we edited a boring part of the school that needed some environmental design. We walked around the school and took a picture of the boring part. Then we photoshopped it and posted it on here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Environmental Design

                 When we started this we first looked at examples of environmental design on the internet. Then we walked around the school and took pictures of environmental design. We then uploaded those pictures to our computers and made a collage of them. The picture above is my collage of environmental design around the school.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Magazine Add

In this project we created a magazine add. First we picked out one add and drew it up on paper. Then, we made a template on the computer. Then, I picked out a picture and put it on the paper. Lastly, I filled in all of the writing and published it on here.w

Thursday, August 30, 2012

In this assignment, we made magazine covers. First, we picked out 3 random magazines and then we made a template of the cover on paper. Then, we created a magazine cover using the same template and style as the original magazine.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Symbolic Rep Identity Standards












           This document is created to show our logos, colors, bad use of logos, cards, letterhead, and envelopes. Our logos are well thought out and deliver an appealing, tough looking, message, that we make the coolest custom hot rods.



               Symbolic Rep uses Arial font size 15 for text and Ariel size 20 for subheadings, we also italicize the subheadings. For headings Symbolic Rep uses Kozuka Mincho Pro H size 26.


         Symbolic Rep's official colors are symbolic red, white, grey, and black.

                                            Symbolic Red      

                                                  R: 255

                                                  G: 24

                                                  B: 7



             Constant use of our logo is our way of getting our name,our brand, and our work out into the world. We use two primary logos figure one is our primary logo and can have a grey, white, or red background. Figure two is another logo that is commonly used on some custom hot rods that have a different style and go better with second logo. Figure two can also have a white or gray background

              Figure 1                                             Figure 2






Bad use of logos:

        Here are some examples of incorrect logos. Also any other colors besides symbolic red, white, black, or grey are bad usage of our logos.









Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope:




Find more information at


Now you know about our identity standards and our logos. You are able to distinguish between acceptable logos and unacceptable logos.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This is my buisinss card. I think that it looks pretty cool. First, I uploaded the logo. Then, I made up a name for my company. Then, I made up a phone and an address.

This is my letterhead paper for my company "Symbolic Rep." It looks pretty professional. First I uploaded my logo. Then I typed my name, my company, my address and my phone number.

This is my envelope. It looks good but you can not see the outline of it because it is white on white. It looks professional and original. I like how it is set up.

       On this assignment we first talked about the Nike swoosh logo. Then we made our own logo. We first drew a bunch of logos and then we picked out which was the best. Then we created them in layers on Mine looks like this.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What is graphic design?

Graphic design is importaint. If you are going to give a visual presentation, you need to use graphic design. Graphic designers usuallly design things for other people. They focus on visual communication and presentation. Graphic design is in everyday life. It is on billbords, posters, shirts and many other things.